Going through 21st-Century America with a type-A, over-analytic mindset is a nightmare. For instance, companies misspelling words to get attention drives... Me... Crazy! It's just one of those things that make me wish I had not taken that grammar class back in 2010-11.
But that's just the grammar side of it... There is a myriad of proverbs floating around that people blindly accept without fully understanding all of the factors that go into them. THAT is the analytic side of my argument.
So here are a few idioms and symbols that I shall proceed to explain in a Biblical light...
"Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"
Okay, I have no idea who originated this, but that means no bias in that area... So this is basically saying, "It's better to have given my heart and staked my entire life on one person only to have my heart broken and future shattered than to have avoided that painful societal cliché."
Really? Are you sure you would rather have a moment of happiness -- Godless happiness, mind you -- and a future of depression than have a chance to prevent a significant other from giving you delusions of adequacy (<-- courtesy of my Freshman year Humanities teacher) by blinding you to your need of retribution? I can't say I'm sorry if that stings a bit, but I just need y'all to bear with me.
“It is better to remain silent at the risk of being thought a fool, than to talk
and remove all doubt of it.”
This was originated by a guy named Maurice Switzer, but I have no idea who this guy is/was, so no bias regarding the person. So this guy thought that one shouldn't have his or her curiosity appeased? If you didn't know something about Jesus that you think is "common knowledge" in the Protestant Christian community, would you really want to continue to be the "outsider" for the fear of looking like a fool? My father quoted someone, though I can remember neither who it was nor his exact words, but he said: "Say something bold, no matter how foolish you think you will look. The truth is, no one will remember what you said because they will walk out wondering how foolish they looked because of something bold they said."
"Follow your heart"
Don't do that.
Just... Don't...
I assume this was originated by Disney, whether senior or junior, I don't know. The heart of all mankind is corrupt by nature. We are a fallen people whether that fact is widely accepted or not. This is precisely why you are always led astray when you "follow your heart."
You would have a much better time if you listen to your head or your conscience instead of your heart.
When you are faced with the decision to either "follow your heart" or use not-so-common practical sense, CHOSE NOT-SO-COMMON PRACTICAL SENSE.
However, there is a fine line between knowing when your heart is deceiving you, and hardening your heart to the point that you cannot repent. I must confess that I managed to get myself into the stinking bog of the latter because I took this very point too far.
"Don't judge me"
This is a tricky one, because the word "judge" could mean one of two things: accountability, or the Biblical definition of judgement. I'll deal with the "accountability" part first...
Judgement (as in accountability) is a huge part of a healthy friendship. To be held accountable is to be reminded that your actions will not go ignored, and that they have eternal consequences, even if they are small. When someone holds you accountable, they're really watching your back; not letting you break your promises, or confronting you when you mess up or are on you way to doing so. For instance, I'll not be angry if and when my best friend gets fed up with something I'm doing and gives me a knock upside the head and tells me to straighten up, because I'll know that she's looking out for me, and that I probably deserve it.
As for the Biblical definition of judgement, it is not our place to judge others -- that right goes to God and God alone.
"You are perfect the way you are"
No, you're not.
Even my feminine vanity and I resent this fact. This goes back to my argument that mankind is a fallen race.
"Happy Holidays!"
This is just a politically "correct" way of wishing one a Merry Christmas. They don't want to "offend" anyone (Jews, Muslims, etc.) by making any mention of or reference to the Name of Christ. They don't stop to think that they are tearing down Christian traditions by Paganizing (that wasn't a real word yesterday, but it is now) them. Those who practice political "correctness" have done this to many other holidays, but I'll save that discussion/tangent/soapbox for another blog. You're welcome.
Well, which one? Were you born in Africa or were you born in America? Did your mother go into labor in Africa and give birth in America, or vice-versa? Am I racist for calling someone with dark skin and gorgeous teeth "black"?
I love black people from the bottom of my appendix to the top of my larynx. That has absolutely no purpose, so don't think too hard on that one; just bear with me and my ADD. I want to go to a black church someday. Some of my favorite people are black. Am I racist, then, if I call my precious old baby-sitter "black" instead of the politically "correct" version: "African-American"?
Now, if you blacks out there are still feeling abused or offended by that term I'm sorry, but please, for society's sake, stop feeling victimized. If this sourness goes back to slavery, it shouldn't. Slavery ended a good two centuries ago.
Also, think about this: blacks owned black slaves in the 1800s, too. And not all white people even owned slaves.
New Year's Day and Christmas
So, those of you who understand the full meaning of the birth of Christ should be irate at the fact that New Year's Day and Christmas are not on the same day.
When Jesus was born, He reset the clock and time went backwards, literally. His birth was what changed "B.C. (Before Christ)" to "A.D. (Anno Domini - In the Year of Our Lord)". His birth brought the New Year.
So why is Christmas on December 25 and New Year's Day on January 1? Well, I'm of the strong opinion that that decision was made by a secular organization. Plain and simple, isn't it? I'm smiling.
"We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!" That carol is lumping the two Christian holidays together, as they should be!
"B.C.E" and "C.E"
Once again, these are secular terms. They changed "Before Christ" to "Before Common Era" by simply adding a letter and giving it a new name. They don't want to accept the fact the Jesus was more than just a good teacher and a miracle worker, both of which He is, but that isn't the full extent of His identity by a long shot. They don't want the birth of Christ to seem at all special, so they try to ignore it when they can't even tell the people when time did a 180˚ and went from counting down to counting up.
Then there's "C.E.", which isn't even close to "Anno Domini". "C.E." is supposed to stand for "Common Era", which it isn't even close to "A.D." Once again, the secular trendsetters just don't want to acknowledge the birth of Jesus.
The short and to-the-point definition of "religion" is "ultimate concern". Thus Christianity is not a religion, but rather it is a lifestyle in which Christ is the religion. At least that is what it is meant to be. Though with some people, Christianity can be called their religion because the name and practice of Christianity is their ultimate concern, but they're going to hell unless they shift their religion from Christianity to Christ.
Consider Atheists. They claim to have no religion whatsoever. But there is always something in someone's life that they value, or even worship, to the highest degree, making it their ultimate concern. So Atheists aren't even Atheists, because their ultimate concern is often themselves and their own needs and abilities, seeing themselves as their own god.
The term "religion" is taken too lightly. Now, Buddhism is a religion, because they have no god to call their "religion". Buddhists are simply concerned with the here and now and what they may become "in the next life." Their ultimate concern is the practice, because they believe their actions and how they practice Buddhism will effect them in the long run.
Another example of a definitive religion is Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrians believe that their actions will effect them even after their death, so they make the practice of Zoroastrianism their religion. Although I suppose I should change all this about Zoroastrianism into past tense, considering it was virtually wiped off the face of the planet when Islam became a dominant religion in the Middle East.
"Have fun!"
Yeah, this is something even I say, because it's accepted in even the Christian community. But get this: the etymology of the word "fun" leads back to the Middle English word "fon," which means "to be a fool." So, by saying, "Have fun!" you're really telling the person to do something foolish and inane. Also, search the Bible for the word "fun" and tell me how many times it pops up.
"Be nice."
The etymology of "nice" leads back to the Latin word "nescius," which means "ignorant." Aren't you glad that God is not nice? I sure am!
Now, time for symbols! Yay, that gives me joy!
... Not really...
4-leafed clover |
A four-leafed clover could either represent luck or Saint Patrick's Day, but I'll only discuss the Saint Patrick's Day part.
Story time!!
Saint Patrick was a Christian Scot (that's right, he wasn't even Irish) during the 5th century, AD. When he was a teenager he was enslaved by men from Ireland, which was outlandishly pagan; taken from his home in Scotland. He escaped after a few years, however, went back home to Scotland, and returned to Ireland of his own free will when he was in his forties and spread the gospel to the pagans of Ireland. Long story short, he used a three-leafed clover to illustrate the Trinity: one God in three Persons.
"Wait... That's not right... He used a normal clover... But... But we're talking about a four... Gaaah!"
Yep. Four-leafed clovers are blasphemous. Someone dissed Saint Patty and his clovers, so he added a leaf and called it lucky.
Ta-da! Four-leafed clovers debunked for the best audience (albeit small) in the world. I'm smiling right now.
Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs |
Okay, the Easter Bunny and his Eggs are not an entirely secular symbol of Easter, since bunnies and eggs represent the new life that was born when Christ died for us all. The problem I have with the Easter Bunny and Easter Eggs is that, they often blind us all to the real meaning of Easter: the sacrifice of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God.
Now that I have finished with this practical thesis, I shall brood on my next tirade. Yes, be afraid.
Gosh, I anticipated this blog to be shorter than the others, but that obviously didn't happen! Kudos to those who battle it out to the end of this soap-box! I smile at thee as thy reward!
Godspeed, my friends!
-Abigail L. Earle
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